“Young Geologist” Educational programme

The ideas and goals of the “Young Geologist” children’s extracurricular programme are based on the concept of youth geological movement in Russia, which proclaims the importance of geology in improving the world view of a growing individual. 

Programme relevance

This programme is a substantial addition to the basic school subjects – geography, biology, chemistry, physics. Geological education will allow students to learn about the modern state of research on the earth as an astronomical and geological object, which would amplify the integration of those subjects.

Specifications of the programme

While learning about geology and feeling the romantic atmosphere of the job, student define the horizons of their development themselves. Meanwhile they are walking along the self-improvement path on maximum difficulty.

Novelty of the programme

The programme will allow students to find real motives and goals encouraging student work, which will inevitably lead to work with scientific terms, forming of theoretical thinking and creative skills, thus developing creative potential.

Basis of the programme

The programme is based on local natural history, which greatly widens the notion of local geology, resources, environmental protection and natural transformation.

The programme is developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On education in the Russian Federation” (adopted 29.12.2012) and the concept of Development of extracurricular education until 2020 and the Federal Educational Standard for extracurricular activities of cultural nature. It was made in accordance with general educational goals and is made to induce the comprehensive education on socio-demographic, economic, legal and political features of the homeland.

Goals of the programme

To create an environment for personal development of the students so that they are ready for self-education, self-development and self-fulfillment through obtaining new geological knowledge, learning about your local nature and getting professional knowledge.

  • learning the basics of geology;
  • developing the ability to work with different sources of information;
  • integration of Geology and educational disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, astronomy, local history, etc.);
  • formation of students ' ability to acquire personal practical and theoretical experience;
  • training in environmental monitoring techniques;
  • formation of tourist and household knowledge, skills, basics of personal hygiene and first aid.
  • creating conditions for the development of theoretical and dialectical thinking of students;
  • creating conditions for maintaining a high level of cognitive activity of students through the organization of their own educational activities;
  • developing the ability to make non-standard decisions in exceptional situations.
  • nurturing of patriotism through the study of the nature of the native land;
  • formation of an ecological culture, a sense of responsibility for the preservation of the environment;
  • nurturing of a person capable of thinking, creating, and acting;
  • formation of value orientations, the desire to assert themselves in a variety of activities, an active life position;
  • formation of a responsible attitude to the performance of duties, punctuality, initiative, collectivism;
  • health promotion, physical education.
Age of children

The programme is designed for 10-12 year olds

Timeline of the programme

The programme is 4 year cycle with the following contents:

1 год «Волшебный мир камня» — обучающиеся 10 лет;

2 год «Общая геология» — обучающиеся 10-11 лет;

3 год «Геология и живая природа» — обучающиеся 11-12 лет;

4 год «Юношеская геологическая партия» — обучающиеся 12 лет.

Class Mode

The geological course consists of 114 classroom hours. There will be 4 45-minute classes a week with a 10-minute break. The theory classes will be held in classrooms or the museum of geology. Practice will be organized outdoors. There will be some excursions, as well as mass events (geology conventions, contests, conferences and competitions), parent-children work.

Темы в учебном плане проходят как самостоятельные, так и сквозные — от первого до последнего года обучения. Равномерно распределенная информация обеспечивает поступательное обучение, позволяя подавать  материал, усложняя его по мере взросления обучающихся и обретения ими навыков самостоятельной работы, как в области геологии, так и в краеведении.

Such distribution of learning content which goes beyond the school programme helps children to form the natural science world view, wisely choose their career based on their likes and interests, which will in its turn insure that they will find a matching career and be successful in life.

Author of the program

Минибаев Айрат Ришатович — педагог дополнительного образования, геогид геопарка «Торатау».

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