В Аскынской ледяной пещере создадут доступную среду для людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья

On Saturday,July 25,a special cleanup event called #takebackwhatyoubrought will be held at Mount Toratau. Everyone is invited to participate.

Идею открыть ледяную пещеру для людей, которым в силу особенностей здоровья недоступна ее природная красота, озвучила Нюта Федермессер в августе этого года во время рабочей поездки в Уфу. В минувшие выходные вместе с подопечными Октябрьского дома для престарелых и инвалидов она посетила Аскынскую пещеру в долине ручья Каранъюрт.

– The cave is located near the place where hundreds of disabled and elderly people live, however they have never been to the place, - says Nyuta Federmesser. – They are kept in those gloomy green walls of the elderly facility, when they could reach the foot of the Urals in an hour and see the ice dating back to the Ice Age. Lenara Hakimova and I decided that we must take the guys from the rest home here at any cost. And yesterday we finally did it. 5 people aged 27 to 66. With physical and mental special needs. After 6 months of “COVID-detention” They all got there by themselves! For every one of them it was a brand-new experience, they have never been to such a pristine forest. They have never been so tired and quiet before. They were greatly impressed. I tormented them with questions, asked them what they liked the most, what they remembered, what stories they were going to share with their friends back at home, and the only answer I got was that they wished all of their friends at the Oktyabrsky Nursing Home could go down that cave.

These types of tours can be made possible with support from the regional authorities and NGOs. Currently the regional division of the Russian Geographical Society that has been leasing the site since 2017 is developing a project for the Presidential Grant Contest. As part of the redevelopment project it’s planned to asphalt a 2km road patch for better car access to the cave, to install aluminum rails and ramps, to buy a multi-passenger UAZ jeep truck and a snowmobile for all-year-round access for people with special needs. Inside the ice cave the stairs will be adapted for the comfort of people with special needs and also there will be a yurta for tourists. 

The persistence and lively interest of the people from the nursing home is also quite remarkable. The main thing is that we made sure that this was great therapy! We are expecting help from the Presidential Grant Foundation and “Helicopters of Russia” Holding, as well as Russian Federal Tourism Agency.

If the project is successful, this natural site will be visited by people with special needs. This will be the first socially adapted natural site in Bashkortostan.

According to the preliminary calculations, we need 11 million rubles and during the first year the cave will be attended by about a thousand nursing home folk. I’m sure that the “Helicopters of Russia” Holding, the Presidential Grant Foundation, the Russian Geographical Society, the Government of Bashkortostan and of course the “Region of Care” foundation will help us. The only thing left to do is to find the money and finish accomplish the project.

Справка: Аскынская ледяная пещера — уникальный памятник природы, расположенный в долине ручья Каранъюрт на восточном склоне хребта Улутау, в двух километрах от деревни Солонцы (Аскино) Архангельского района Башкортостана.  Переданный в аренду на 49 лет в 2017 году Русскому географическому обществу, был исследован и защищен от разрушений специалистами. На благоустройство комплекса был получен грант Министерства семьи, труда и социальной защиты населения Республики Башкортостан, а также привлечён попечительский взнос от АО «Газпром-Трансгаз Уфа». В 2018 году региональное отделение Русского географического общества получило Грант Минтруда РБ для отсыпки подъездной дороги, установки лестницы и монтажа осветительных приборов внутри Аскынской пещеры. Построили дом для охраны с гостевыми комнатами на 20 человек, три моста через горные реки, навесы, туалеты на туристических стоянках, беседку. Дом охраны оснастили солнечными панелями, организовали беспроводной доступ к интернету и видеокамере, изготовили и установили информационные баннеры, буклеты, оборудовали автостоянку. Были установлены лестницы внутри пещеры и оформлена смотровая площадка.

Source: press service of the Ministry of Family, Labor and
Social Protection of Bashkortostan

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