International birdwatching days at the Toratau geopark

Fellows of the Toratau geopark I. Zakharova and A. Yaikarova together with Elsa Gabbasova, chair of the Baskir Office of the Russian Bird Protection Union, took part in the International birdwatching days while walking around the Toratau geopark. During the 4 hours of birdwatching some bird photos were made.

The rough-legged hawk or the roughleg, which is also called “the predator in winter pants”, nests in tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga, eats lots of lemmings and mice during the season. In our latitudes it is a transient species: it starts winter migration late September – early October and flies towards the Asian forest-steppes and steppes.
It is easy to recognize the roughleg mid-air thanks to the large dark spots on wrist joint of the wing, some gaudiness on a light background and the thick line on the tail

On the photos by Elsa Gabbasova you can clearly see that the roughleg feels quite cozy at the foot of Mount Toratau.

Поговорка «седой как лунь» появилась благодаря окраске самцов некоторых видов рода Луней — хищных птиц семейства Ястребиных. Это хищные птицы средних размеров, которые населяют открытые пространства и гнездятся на земле. Чаще всего парят невысоко над землей. Характерной особенностью луней является манера держать крылья во время парения и планирования приподнятыми, в виде «широкой» буквы V. Питаются грызунами, рептилиями, птицами и другими позвоночными, от мелких до более крупных, например, болотный лунь может добыть и утку. Всего в мире насчитывается 14-15 видов луней; в России обитает 6 видов.
E. Gabbasova snapped a hen harrier chased down by a raven.

Overall they came across 136 specimen of 20 different bird species (grey partridge, raven, rook, common bunting, brown-headed gull, rough-legged hawk, white-backed woodpecker, hen harrier, robin, goshawk, reed bunting, finch, and others). The data on the species and population were entered into the international databank, the Toratau fellows received certificated of participation in the International Birdwatching Days.

Elsa Gabbasova also had a fascinating ornithology lecture for the school students from Urman-Bishkadak village. She told them about the features of bird habitats, in particular, in the Toratau geopark and shared her knowledge with the geoguides who greatly enjoyed these events. They will pass this knowledge on to the visitors of the geopark.

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